Ruby Cabernet is an exquisite red olmo variety of grape from California. This grape combines the full bodied character of Cabernet Sauvignon with deep color and acidity of Carignan. Bred for the hot climate of the San Joaqin Valley in California, this varietal is quite hardy, and its juice has a more concentrated acid character than standard cabernet sauvignon, as well as a medium red coloration. While this variety is most often used in blends, it can make an excellent wine in its own right. Flavor notes are of cherry and other red berries, with a fabulous fruity essence. If you are looking to try making a wine slightly off the beaten path, look no further than Ruby Cabernet!
Product Features
- Six gallons of fresh juice.
- Acid and pH adjusted
- Simply add nutrient, pitch yeast, and ferment into a world-class wine!